Friday, November 15, 2019 at 10:00am was the premiere of the Third Graders Jukebox Time Machine, directed by music teacher Jonna Evans. The order of the performance was as follows: “Jukebox Time Machine,” “She Loves You,” “Dancing Queen,” “Splish Splash,” “Don’t Stop Believin’,” and “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That Sing, Sing, Sing.” A total of 38 third grade students participated in this inspiring play. After many hours and days of practicing for their show, the third graders diligent work paid off. The show would not be possible without the support of so many. Third grade would like to thank: Mr. Powell, Mrs. Garcia, Ms. Berry, Mrs. Holson, Mr. Glaze, Mr. Ramirez, Hope Perez, Elijah Peralez, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Bufe, the SMS One Act crew, Callie Nations, The Hord Family, Marti Albus, Jessica Garcia, and Becky Sanchez. Without their hours of volunteering, this play would not be possible.
Sundown Third Grade Proudly Presents “Jukebox Time Machine”
November 26, 2019